Saturday, March 13, 2010

52 Weeks to Better Genealogy - Challenge #10

Investigate Family Search Pilot, which is part of This is a wonderful collection of records which literally grows every day.

This is yet another great challenge presented on the Geneabloggers site.

I have used Family Search Pilot in the past although not as much lately. I tend to get into the habit of relying on too much. With all the wonderful resources available online, both free and subscription sites, it pays to use them all. As each of these sites are continually updating images, adding new images and indexes, rechecking the information is a must.

At Family Search Pilot I particularly like the German records. The main line I focus so much of my research time on is Baudermann. This surname is rare in the United States as well as in Germany. I have a difficult time finding information on this family outside of church records. Family Search Pilot contains German baptism, marriage and burial records, some from the 1500's to the 1900's. While not all of these collections contain the images, some do have images you can browse through. I look forward to more indexes and images being added to this site.


  1. Jenna, This was a good challenge, and how fortunate you are to have found some German records. I dropped Ancestry for 9 months last year, just to focus on the Pilot site. Soon, we will all be dropping Ancestry, and we will save $$. Nice post.

  2. Barbara, I definitely need to spend more time on the pilot site as they are adding records so quickly. Do you think perhaps Ancestry will recognize the competition and lower their subscription costs? One can dream!!! :)
