Sunday, September 28, 2014

Looking At My Ancestor William Everingham In A New Way

I have been struggling to create a picture of William M. Everingham, who I believe to be my great grandfather. I've documented, in the mind map below, what I know about William and the documents I have found which reference him. My hope was to look at what I already have differently to see where I need to develop a research plan to follow.

What I know about William

In reviewing what I know, I identified several questions and potential starting points. Why is he not indexed with his family in any census? Why can I not find him indexed anywhere? Is it possible he was called to war and killed?

William M. Everingham

I'm facing a wall, it's not built of brick, but it's a solid wall I need to get through. To date, following his sister, Nancy, has not led me anywhere, however, I could apply more effort there. Tracking down William's parents and/or grandparents further is also a avenue I need to follow.

Next steps in my research

Going through this exercise to visualize what I know in its entirety has been very helpful to me. I have pinpointed a couple of research areas I can focus on. I hope to be posting soon that I've been able to find additional information about William.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

National Grandparent's Day 2014 - Allen - Merys

Charles and Gladys Allen most likely taken in the Kansas City Area

Charles Scott Allen   b: 1900 Winchester, Clark, Kentucky
                              d: 1960 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri
                              m: 1923 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri

Gladys Irene Merys  b: 1903 Osowatomie, Miami, Kansas
                              d: 1995 Harrisonville, Cass, Missouri

Charles worked for the railroad his entire life. He died of a heart attack while on the job at Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri. Gladys was a homemaker and raised nine children.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hosting Virtual Meetings via Google+ HOAs

DearMYRTLE and Cousin Russ have published the first in a series of G+ HOAs on the topic of why you should consider hosting a virtual meeting. Their format of choice is Google+ Hangouts On Air (HOAs).

Why? First of all, it's free! You can't do better than free, can you? Secondly, it doesn't have to be a formal "meeting" of a society or group. If you have a client that is across the country, what better way to present your report than in person. With Hangouts, you can.

How you use the application is left to your imagination and endless really.

I recommend getting up to speed with all that G+ and Hangouts have to offer.