What does Madness Monday have to do with my receiving the Ancestor Approved award? It's pure madness that I received the award from five awesome Geneabloggers, that's what!
It's a real moral booster to receive an award from others that you have great respect for.
Thank you goes out to:
Karen @ Ancestor Soup
Sharon @ Kindred Footprints
Mavis @ Georgia Black Crackers
Karen @ Genealogy Frame of Mind
Denise @ The Family Curator
All are wonderful bloggers who were also recipients of this award.
The Ancestor Approved Award asks that the recipient list ten things you have learned about any of your ancestors that has surprised, humbled, or enlightened you and pass the award along to ten other bloggers who you feel are doing their ancestors proud.
I have been surprised, humbled and enlightened about all of my ancestors. I knew so little to start with, each and every find has been very interesting.
1. I was enlightened that my Grandfather Baudermann graduated from NYU in 1908
2. I was also surprised to find he was a long-distance runner on the NYU track team as well
as the Irish-American Athletic Club's team (he was German!)
3. I am humbled by the fact my Grandmother Emery moved herself and three small children from
New Jersey to Texas in the late 1920's all by herself.
4. I was surprised that my Great Grandfather Allen had three and maybe four wives!
5. I was surprised that my Great Grandfather Baudermann had 15 children from two wives!!
6. I was enlightened about the keeping of family secrets upon discovering the circumstances of
my Great Great Grandfather Mery's manner of death.
7. I am humbled by the causes of death of many of my ancestors by diseases that are so commonly
treatable now.
8. I was enlightened to find my Grandfather Baudermann was a musician and song writer.
9. I was surprised to find that my father's family was Catholic.
10. I was surprised to find more of my ancestors were tradesman or worked for the railroad
rather than working as farmers.
This list will grow longer as more information is uncovered. It is interesting how we honestly feel these emotions concerning those we have never met, which is one of the more interesting aspects of genealogy.
Choosing other bloggers to pass an award along to is always a challenge. Obviously, I feel those that nominated me are more than worthy but I won't limit it to just ten. I am nominating any and every genealogy blog I follow!