I'm 4!! Yes indeed, I started this blog July 12, 2009! Thank goodness that Thomas MacEntee kept track because I sure didn't!
Shame on me for paying so little attention to this blog that has brought me so much joy (well, not really), so many new cousin connections (only 2) and has been such a labor of love (more frustration actually).
Truthfully though (sorta), it has been interesting and fun. This blog has given me a chance to voice my opinions, thoughts and to rant a little. This little blog has been a vehicle to get my ancestors on The Internets and indexed by The Google.
If it wasn't for this blog all my buds on The Twitter would have no idea that I have much more to say than 140 characters can convey. And now that I type that...that may explain the correlation between the much high ratio of Twitter to Blog followers.
Seriously though (really) I do appreciate all that follow, read and comment on my blog posts. Those of you that have helped me try to figure out my crazy grandma (Una/Viola Evingham/Bauderman/Emery/Vanderman) I do value your input and hope to someday (maybe by my 10th blogoversary?) have the rest of the story to tell.
I'm 4!!! Go me!! :)