Monday, December 1, 2014

25 Days Of GeneaPins on Pinterest

25 Days of GeneaPins with Desperately Seeking Surnames

Not sure that Pinterest and genealogy are a good fit?

I wondered myself and I really didn't "get" Pinterest for a long time. Sure I knew there were lots of fantastic photos of food, homes, clothes and hair styles. But I wasn't quite sure how that translated to other subjects, such a genealogy and how it would help me move my research forward.

I've spent the last month listening to podcasts and watching hangouts that discuss Pinterest tips, tricks and strategy. Yes, it's serious, I'm becoming addicted to learning about Pinterest and I love it! There is a lot more strategy to Pinterest than meets the eye. Pinterest is now a powerful search tool. And, as genealogists, we love to search.

For these next 25 days, I challenge you to search for geneapins, on Pinterest. 

You may (probably will) be surprised at what you find! Remember, when you type a search phrase in the Pinterest search box you have multiple sets of results to choose from: All Pins, Your Pins, Boards and Pinners. In other words...there are a LOT of results, be sure to look at all of them.

Over the next 25 days I'm gong to be working on my genealogy boards on Pinterest.  I would love to hear of anything new you find during your searches.

25 Days Of Genapins

Pinterest is encouraging Pinners to become more social.

You can do more than just re-pin an item you find useful, you can like a pin, comment on a pin and also send a pin to a friend. With the addition of Smart Feed, Pinterest analysts are suggesting that pins with higher engagement are showing up in the feed more.

Yes, there is definitely strategy involved. Don't rely only on what you see in your feed for information and inspiration, search for it and pin it!

Visit my 25 Day of GeneaPins board on Pinterest too!

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