Monday, November 15, 2010

Musings on a Munday

In 2010 I attended four conferences that included exhibit halls.  Two of the four were genealogical conferences and at two of the four I was an exhibitor.  In the past year I have spent many hours on improving my exhibit knowledge and techniques.  The result is a long list of tips to share with other exhibitors.  Here are my top two.

1.  Do not stand behind your exhibit table.  By doing so you are putting a barrier between yourself and those that you need to engage with.  Situate the table at the back of your booth area and welcome attendees into your space.  This will get them out of the aisle where they may feel pushed to keep moving with the flow.

2.  No chairs allowed!  Many booth spaces now come with the chairs as part of the booth package, simply ask conference management to remove them from your space. You, the exhibitor, are supposed to be the authority. It is hard to be viewed as such when attendees are looking down at you. If you must have chairs in your booth space, offer them to an attendee to use as you demonstrate your product.

Successful exhibiting takes more than a tablecloth and stacks of products.  You have the chance to meet hundreds of potential clients face-to-face at trade shows.  Take the time to make sure you are presenting yourself and your products in the best way possible.


  1. Love this idea. I have to exhibit at a conference in a few months, and I'm remembering to push the table back. A simple, but powerful change!

  2. Yes, Heather, there are some very simple adjustments that can make a huge difference!
