Sunday, September 28, 2014

Looking At My Ancestor William Everingham In A New Way

I have been struggling to create a picture of William M. Everingham, who I believe to be my great grandfather. I've documented, in the mind map below, what I know about William and the documents I have found which reference him. My hope was to look at what I already have differently to see where I need to develop a research plan to follow.

What I know about William

In reviewing what I know, I identified several questions and potential starting points. Why is he not indexed with his family in any census? Why can I not find him indexed anywhere? Is it possible he was called to war and killed?

William M. Everingham

I'm facing a wall, it's not built of brick, but it's a solid wall I need to get through. To date, following his sister, Nancy, has not led me anywhere, however, I could apply more effort there. Tracking down William's parents and/or grandparents further is also a avenue I need to follow.

Next steps in my research

Going through this exercise to visualize what I know in its entirety has been very helpful to me. I have pinpointed a couple of research areas I can focus on. I hope to be posting soon that I've been able to find additional information about William.

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