Wednesday, January 30, 2013

AncestryDNA Video Explains their Product

If you have taken the AncestryDNA test or are considering it, you will want to watch this video. If you are not a fan of AncestryDNA (yes, I heard you on various social media channels) you may still want to watch.

What I found the most interesting in the video is how Crista Cowan, from, explains ethnicity. She takes a complicated subject and made it easy for me to understand with fruits and vegetables. The other portion of the video that fascinated me is a chart showing how many direct line ancestors we have going back 10 generations.

I knew that with each generation the number of our ancestors doubled, but seeing it in this chart really brought the concept home for me. We have a lot of cousins to look for. Of course when I saw how many ancestors Crista had found and proven, I was a tad deflated. She works for, if she can't find all her peeps what hope do I have?

I hope you enjoy the video.


  1. One of the most important things to finding those common ancestors you match up with is your Family Tree. The more in it, the better, with your ancestors' siblings and their spouses. My family has found that the lines we have more data on in our tree is where we are able to find our most common recent ancestor with our predicted cousins.

  2. One of the most important things to finding those common ancestors you match up with is your Family Tree. The more in it, the better, with your ancestors' siblings and their spouses. My family has found that the lines we have more data on in our tree is where we are able to find our most common recent ancestor with our predicted cousins.
